Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Starting the Day off right!

Hello Again! This only being my second post, it was tricky to think of what to write and how to write it!

I want to start today talking about the "Dumbbells" and "Cupcakes" part of my new little adventure and explain what these to words mean to me.

"Dumbbells": Getting to the gym is a daily occurrence for us! And if it's not the gym, then some form of physical activity will definitely be on our agenda. For example... yesterday started of with a very HOT 7am run!

Aren't those shoes fun?

I didn't get as much of a run as I had hoped but logging miles in this heat is no easy task...

Following this HOT run was LEG DAY at the gym! Leg days are always the toughest and soreness follows for days, but it is so worth it. Leg day exercises with be posted eventually, I am sure! Following leg day, My mister and I played a round of disc golf at a local park. Then... I got to hang out with this pretty cool little 8 year old I know and logged some serious power walking miles while he raced around on his "race car" bike. I slept well last night... that's for sure.

So that is where the "dumbbells" comes from. If its not the actual dumbbells at the gym, then they represent our passion for a lifetime of physical fitness and health. 

Now for the "cupcakes"... I love to cook and bake, especially bake! Unfortunately, baking often comes with all the extra sugars and junk that are no good in the world of fitness. Because of that, I have so much fun creating delicious treats that satisfy that sweet tooth while still upholding to "healthy" standards.

With that being said... a few months ago, I did some exploring the in the world of cake decorating... yes, cakes. Sugar filled and delicious... lack of being nutritious.. cakes... but hey, they are SO much fun to decorate! I Could just decorate and not have even a crumb and I would be happy. I took some classes at Michael's Arts and Crafts store and developed quite the collection of cake decorating supplies. My grandmother has showed me her collection of cake decorating tools from "back in the day" so I feel as if I made a good investment because those are things that I can keep forever!

Here are a few of my little creations.... they're not perfect but that makes them unique, Right?

I don't do too much of this cake decorating, but it is so nice to have the tools and skills when you need them!

So the "cupcakes" is really more of a representation of nutrition (kind of a silly representation, hey?) from dinners to sweet treats, nutrition is fuel and that is what is so important to be HEALTHY!

Well I am so grateful for this day and can't wait to see what it holds! It's gonna be another scorcher... may have to be a pool day! Enjoy :)

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