Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Some oatmeal and heroes!

Good morning all...

So yesterday was quite the day....

It started out with a bit of morning yoga....

Doing stretches/yoga in the morning is the BEST way to wake up.... especially if you're sore in the morning from the previous days workout... the basic Sun Salutation is always my go-to when it comes to the morning yoga!

I didn't get any images of myself doing said yoga routine, but here is a wonderful image from a great website called Yogalina. This has TONS of great yoga references, tips, and advice for any yoga doers! 

This was followed by quite the eventful trail run.... but we'll get to that in a bit, first I wanna talk about breakfast (of course)....

Breakfast is by far my favorite meal of the day.... and as "all the experts" say... it is the most important meal of the day. Although I am not an expert, I have to agree with this. From my own experiences, skipping breakfast is the worst idea, especially when you live a very active lifestyle. Eating a good breakfast sets the foundation for a successful day by giving you the absolutely necessary energy to be productive. 

Before going on long runs, I have found that oatmeal is one of the best choices! Packed with good carbs for that "lasting energy" and by adding a bit of protein, it provides the perfect source of sustained energy needed. 
Yesterday, oatmeal was my breakfast of choice prior to a great run.... this is the glorious combination I threw together, and have had many times in the past. It never seems to fail me!

"Berry-Naner Protein Oats"
  • ½ cup of instant gluten-free Oatmeal 
  • ½ scoop Strawberry Protein
  • ½ Banana
  • A few handfuls of Blueberries
  • 1 ½ tsp Chia Seeds
  • A bit of Almond Milk (optional)

Add the oats to 1 cup of boiling water.  Add the protein and stir until well combined. Allow the oats to cook for a bit. Add the Chia Seeds, Banana, and Blueberries, stir. I added just a splash of Almond Milk because I like my oats creamier, but that is completely up to you! Enjoy!

We go through a lot of oatmeal at our place. There is this great little health food store down the road that sells Organic Gluten-free instant oatmeal in bulk. It is so much cheaper to buy it in bulk which is great when you are still at that "poor college kid" stage, hehe....

So moving on to this run.... I was very excited to go... trail runs are the greatest in my opinion... I could just run and run all day and wouldn't even know it. There is so much to think about and look at while in the woods, and no thoughts of how tired I am getting. 

Sometimes I take music with me and sometimes I don't.... well, yesterday I choose music...
when I go with music I have this nifty little arm band to hold my phone so I can listen to this music hands free. This arm band also seconds as a makeshift car-key holder where the keys sit in there right with my phone. Convenient, yes?... well yesterday I got this pesky little phone call, I didn't recognize the number so decided to answer it, just in case it was important... I took the phone out of the arm band and didn't notice my key falling out.... turns out it was an advertisement call for some university... I just hung up and continued my run... leaving my key behind... somewhere on the trail.... hm

Well that's a bummer....

I backtracked... with no luck... 

good thing I have this guy

My Hero!!

Brought me my spare key and I could not be more grateful!

Never been so happy to see that little "spare key pug"!

Well... that made for an interesting day... but it was a successful run to say the least...

 I then went and spent the rest of the day with this pretty cool little 8 year old...
logged about 4 more miles of POWER WALKING while he rode his bike.... children are exhausting!

I hope everyone has a absolutely fantastic and beautiful day! 

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important that fear" -James Neil Hollingworth

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