Thursday, July 18, 2013

My First Recipe!

Good Morning,

Well... it's another beautiful, sunshine filled day. already got my early morning scorcher run in...

.... and met some new friends along the way. 

So... today is going to be a first in this bloggy adventure... my first recipe....

Green smoothies and juices seem to be the new craze lately... 
every time I go on Pinterest (which is pretty much a daily occurrence) I see all these recipes for green smoothies and juices.... I myself am a huge green smoothie fan, I drink just about one a day. They make the perfect breakfast or snack and you can get so creative! Add some protein to that and ya got the perfect little pick me up. 

This green smoothie in particular is by far one of my favorites. The "Green Monkey Protein Smoothie".... I make this one all the time... it's such a simple combination of ingredients but oh so delicious. 

Yesterday I made this little gem following a quicky ab workout.

It starts with some almond milk and and a scoop of your favorite protein... I used GNC 100% Whey banana flavored but chocolate flavored is also perfect in this.... just about any flavor will work though. 

Then comes cocoa powder to satisfy that chocolate craving that always seems to be lingering 

Then Chia Seeds.... these are such a neat little addition to any smoothie or drink and have such wonderful health benefits, whats not to love.

after that, my two FAVORITE ingredients get added to my little creation.... banana and peanut butter. I must say, I am a bit of a peanut butter addict... we go through pounds of peanut butter each month and I am VERY proud of that! Plus... bananas and peanut butter are the perfect combination!

now to top it off.... adding a few handfuls of spinach, to make it a true green smoothie... I LOVE adding spinach to just about every smoothie I make! You can't taste it at all and it holds so many health benefits!

Here are just a few of the many benefits that come with spinach. It's high in fiber and has tons of vitamins that are just so important for our health... but those are things that you probably already know. hehe. 

and here was my final product. YUM! Its not the prettiest of colors but it sure is mighty delicious. It is not the sweetest of smoothies either so if you prefer sweeter, adding a bit of honey or other sweetener is never a bad idea.

"Green Monkey Protein Smoothie"

             -1 C. Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk               
             -1 Scoop Banana or Chocolate flavored Protein       
              (optional, I used GNC 100% Whey Banana             
               Protein for this one)                             
             -1 tbsp Cocoa Powder                                
             -2 tsp Chia Seeds                                   
             -1/2 Banana                                         
             -1 heaping Tbsp of Peanut Butter                    
             -A few handfuls of Spinach                          
             -Combine all ingredients into a blender             
             -Blend until smooth                                 

Well there it is, my first recipe. I am a big fan of this one so it was only appropriate that it be my first. Well off to enjoy this beautiful day! 

Found this little gem on Pinterest last night...

Couldn't help it! 

So go ahead, make today amazing :)

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