Monday, July 22, 2013

Grandma Ruby and her apples

Hello to all... It has been a couple days, and all I could do was think of new things I wanted to write about... there are so many...

Well today I am going to start off by introducing you all to a very special little friend.... this is Ruby....

We have had Ruby since she was a wee little puppy and raised her up into a fantastic farm dog... 

Well Ruby is quite the old dog... and she has had lots of puppies in her day... so this glorious combination has landed her the nickname "Grandma Ruby" because she is bound to be a grandma by now...

Well let me tell you a little something about Grandma Ruby... she is an apple eater... she would eat apples all day long (and has) and nothing would make her happier.

Here's an action shot... just to prove it. Isn't that great!

So, naturally, apples will forever have an association with this apple eating canine. 

I have created a wonderful little recipe that I have named in honor of my little apple eater:
"Grandma Ruby's Quinoa Apple Crisp", and let me tell you, it is quite fantastic. I think she would be proud of what I have done, hehe. 

This recipe was one of those "i'm gonna throw these things together and hope they taste good" type of recipe. Luckily, I am very pleased with my results and can't wait to try this one again... or create other variations. Apples are so great to work with... you can do so much and they are so good for you.

Before I give this recipe, I want to share a few health benefits of apples...

Here are a few good reasons that "Reader's Digest" shares on why apples are good for you:
  1. Helps reduce Cholesterol
  2. Lowers Blood Pressure
  3. Bone Protection

Just to name a few....

So here is my little creation dedicated to Grandma Ruby :)

First you gotta start off by peeling and slicing some apples of course!

I used Organic Granny Smith... and one little Organic Gala that found his way into the batch :)

after you have finished the oh so wonderful task of of peeling and slicing....

you add coconut oil and mix well until the apples are completely covered.... 

I wasn't sure how this was going to turn out once the apples were cooked.... I wanted to make this recipe pretty much sugar free so I was hoping the coconut oil would roast the apples and bring out there natural sweetness.... 

After the apples are covered, I added cinnamon, nutmeg, and a bit of stevia to complete the apple portion of this apple crisp!

So moving on to the "Crisp"

You start of with cooked quinoa and oat flour and mix it together until well combined....
then add the remaining ingredients (listed below) and mix together to create a very sticky mixture.

I then just kinda plopped the creation over the apples, placed it in the oven, and crossed my fingers.

Well... the final product sure did look mighty tasty.... just a taste test would revel if it really was or not....

"Grandma Ruby's Quinoa Apple Crisp"

For the apples:

  • 4 Cups sliced apples
  • 2 Tbsp Coconut oil, melted
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon
  • ¼ tsp Nutmeg
  • 1 tsp Stevia
 Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Prepare an 8x8 baking dish with non-stick spray or oil. If not done already, peel and slice the apples. Place in a bowl and add the coconut oil. Mix until apples are coated. Add the remaining ingredients and stir. Spread the apple mixture in baking dish evenly and set aside.

For the crisp:
  • 1 ½ Cups cooked Quinoa
  • 1 Cup Gluten-free oat flour (I’m sure other gluten-free flours would work fine too)
  • 3 Tbsp Honey
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil, melted
  •  1 Egg White
  •  1/3 cup Unsweetened Applesauce

Mix the cooked quinoa and oat flour until well combined. Add the Honey and stir until mixed evenly throughout. Add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. Mixture will be sticky. Take the flower mixture and spread/pour/glob over the apples. Bake for 45 minutes. Allow to cool and enjoy :D

And of course... since yesterday was "National Ice Cream" day... I had to make a little creamy goodness to go with my apple crisp. This recipe is not my own... I got it from one of my favorite blogs. She has so many creative and delicious recipes. Sometimes, I wish she would come cook for me. Anywho... here is this "Sugar free, low-calorie Ice Cream" recipe.  

"Sugar free, low-calorie Ice Cream"

2 Cups non-dairy milk (I used unsweetened Vanilla)
1/8 tsp salt
½ tsp vanilla extract
  ½ tsp almond  extract
½ tsp Stevia

Combine all ingredients and whisk together. 

(Isn't this little guy fun?)

Pour mixture in an ice cube tray and allow to freeze for a few hours. 

After the cubes have frozen, place them in a blender and blend together until smooth and BOOM… Ice Cream! (I added a bit of extra almond milk to help with the blending process)

It comes out looking like mashed potatoes, don't you think? But... it definitely was not any sort of potato.. it is similar more to creamy shaved ice... and pretty fantastic

So before desert, of course, you have to have dinner...

Like a Steak and potatoes kind of dinner... clearly a favorite of my guy's... look at him cut it like a pro.... hehe 

okay, back to dessert....

here was the true test, this super healthy, apple crisp and ice cream....

it was a success and mighty delicious!!!

My guy even asked for seconds, sure did make me happy!

and there was quite a bit leftover ice cream (how convenient), and it made the most wonderful little frozen additive to my breakfast shake this morning... that stuff sure is versitile. Love healthy little treats like that!

I think Grandma Ruby would be proud of me with this creation.... if she wasn't a dog.... I would have shared... but, maybe i'll just toss her a leftover apple instead of the crisp

She sure does look awfully wise in this picture!
.. well I hope you enjoy... I know I will be enjoying those leftovers... and guilt free!

I hope you all have a wonderful afternoon!

"May you live every day of your life" -Jonathon Swift

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