Friday, July 26, 2013

The Power of Play!

So, my current job for the summer is babysitting....
I LOVE it....
It is the perfect "summer before grad school starts" job...
it is fun and easy and I get to PLAY all day long!

With just one little 8 year old... it is still exhausting... but the PERFECT way to throw in those little mid day workouts! 

The best kind of workouts are where you have fun! Going to the gym is fun but nothing is more fun than play. Actual child filled, imagination using play!

We went to the park the other day, and it gave me the inspiration for this post... 
I started taking a few pictures of things we were doing.... my little buddy thought I was crazy... if only he knew hehe....

we started with baseball... so much fun.(except I am terrible at throwing a ball... who knew?)

every time he would hit a ball... I would have to SPRINT to go get it and then try and tag him.... so I got some great little sprints in.... 

Then, every time I had to pick up a ball, I would throw in a squat jump to get it!

Every time he would get a run... we do jumping jacks!

we played on the marry-go-round too!

I started by running around with it to make it spin... but I got so nauseous so fast... but just pushing that thing to make it go, was quite the little arm workout itself... 

and the swings... 

mini ab workout anyone?

you forget how much fun the swings are when you haven't done them in a long time.... that is until he tells you to jump off when you are that high.... luckily it wasn't too painful....

there were so many other little mini-workouts thrown in there too!
-Climbing up and down the Jungle Gym
-The Monkey Bars (with a few random pull-ups)
-playing Soccer and Frisbee
- The Balance Beam
-Power Walking for miles and miles while he bikes
-Biking for miles and miles

This list could go on forever! It is crazy how much fun it is! 

and the best part about it is not only are you having tons of fun and working out... but you're wearing out the little guy too! Can't beat that!

I found THIS lovely little page all about how play is good for both kids and adults! It allows us (adults) to connect with others (children) and bring out that creativity and imagination that gets lost in our busy lives these days (especially if you don't have kids of your own). Play equals happiness... from my experience... I got so into having fun that no worries or troubles came to mind the entire time we were at the park... it's like a little vacation from your own mind (even if you don't need it)! 

I am lucky enough to get to do this every week and can't wait till next time!

So...  here is a recipe I threw together as well... I just really feel the need to share!

"Egg White Pancakes"

-4 Egg Whites
-1/2 C. Organic Gluten-free Oats
-1/2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
-Cinnamon to taste
-1/8 tsp. Baking Powder

-Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth
-Heat a skillet to about medium to medium high (I added a bit of coconut oil to avoid sticking)
-cook until bubbly on top, flip, cook for another minute or two on the opposite side and BOOM pancake!

A much lighter, healthier version of the standard pancakes!  They are so good... not as fluffy as normal pancakes... but I am gonna work on that!

Optional: Blueberries, dark chocolate chips, peanut butter, jam, raisins, nuts, or anything or imagination desires :D

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decided where to go...." 

Anyone ever get to go out and play?

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