

My name is Haley…. I am a 23 year old graduate student taking life one day at a time, and loving every moment of it.

I grew up on farm, raised with LOTS of animals. I rode horses all my life and competed on the high school equestrian team. Being involved in the horse world, gave me the foundation I am so grateful to have today. It gave me responsibility and strength that I know will be with me for the rest of my life.
I also played field hockey, which introduced me to my love for fitness and running, another foundation that I am beyond grateful for.

This blog is about my love for a lifetime of fitness and health! "Dumbbells and Cupcakes" is just a simple representation of these things as explained here!

There are so many of the “littlest” things that I love about life…

Running: by no means am I a marathon runner (although I will get there one day), I just love to do it. It is therapeutic in so many ways…

Fitness: Working out has become a major part of my life. I have always been interested in fitness and the gym but never really had the knowledge or knew where to find the resources to successfully be “fit”. College came around and I became one of those girls that would go to the gym and run on a treadmill for 20 minutes, thinking that would negate the pasta and cheesecake I had for lunch (oh, the dorm life).  Then I met this guy….

He is my best friend. My teacher, my trainer, my mediator, my support, my security.
Before I met him I tried to be a “gym rat”, but was an amateur to say the least. He is definitely one heck of a fitness guru and most of my knowledge about fitness and health, I have him to thank for…. I would not be at the fitness level I am today, without him.

Cooking: Food is fuel. “80% diet, 20% fitness” is so important when it comes to health and fitness… But... in reality it is "100% diet, 100% fitness"... you get what you give and you gotta give it your all in everything you do and you will get it all in return!
Eating Clean means feeling clean… and there is no better feeling than that!
I love to cook, I love getting creative and producing delicious and, of course, nutritious meals…. unfortunately… I also have a little bit of a GIANT sweet tooth… so in addition to my love of cooking, I love to bake and (attempt to) create healthy versions of my favorite sweets.

I also love this equine lady friend….
(This is a very old picture, I look so young)

She is another best friend of mine… this lady has gotten me through so much and doesn't even know it… horses are one of my greatest passions and the bond I have with her is truly unbreakable.

I also love adventures. Life is an adventure in itself and I feel it is so important to make the most of it.  Love the littlest things out of life, everyday.

*Disclaimer*: I am not a certified dietitian, fitness trainer, or any other type of health care professional. I love to share my knowledge and thoughts about anything health and fitness related but I am not trained in any of these fields. All opinions stated are my own and from my own experiences. Thank you for understanding. 

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