Friday, April 18, 2014

It's a beautiful day!!

Good Morning,

It is a beautiful sunny day today, and I can't wait to get out a do things!!!

So just a few things for today... we tried a new snack this week....

I was excited for this, it's non-GMO, gluten free, and very low ingredients

I was a bit shocked to see this when I opened it....

I was expecting popcorn and kale ships mixed together, but it was green popcorn.... I immediately thought... St.Patty's day??

 It was OK... not the best thing I have ever had, but not the worst, it had a very unique flavor I don't even know how to describe.

Other snacks as of late....

This is nothing special.... just some Protein and Ice mixed with Almond milk... but I just thought this pic was oh-so-attractive!

So I see people on Instagram and Facebook and things do "Transformation Thursday" posts or "Transformation Tuesday". Well I decided I wanted to do a "Transformation Friday"

The transformation of my plant!!

This was my plant when we first got it... just a little guy!

and this is my plant now....

It got huge!!! It amazes me how things grow, I can't wait to see it in another couple years....

and I felt this was a good "transformation Friday" post!

Well that's all for today, I can't wait for some Easter festivities this weekend!

"Do not go through life, grow through life" -Eric Butterworth

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Little Race Recap

Well hello there again,

I am actually back within a couple days, isn't that just fantastic.

So I ran that little race the other day... I was pretty darn happy with how it went.

This will just be a short little recap, as to not bore anyone...

Even though I am in no way a Pro at this whole race prep thing, I do know the basics... and I do know that it is a great idea to get all your things prepped the  night before to make the morning that much less stressful... SO that's what I did, I laid out my clothes...

My pre-race dinner.... a little concoction I dreamed up that day.... turned out pretty well.... Sweet potato topped with peanut butter and a scrambled egg mixed with carrot shreds and cinnamon with a side of cottage cheese... random but DELICIOUS.... 

Breakfast was a protein smoothie and coffee and LOTS of water....
They say nothing new on race day, and this was nothing new!

a little before picture with my man! Please take note of the recycle bin in the back.... that's my way of promoting being green......

I lined up with the 10 minute mile group, I had no idea how the race was going to go, so I knew I would be comfortable there.... and the hand in the picture was not missing a finger.... even though it kind of looks that way....

So the race began.... it started out so well.... It is so motivating, especially in the beginning, to be surrounded by so many people who are so enthused about running. 
I felt really good till about mile 6.5 and I got a second wind that was great till about mile 8.... 8-11 was a little rough and tiresome but once I hit mile 11 it was all go from there... "almost done" I just kept telling myself

I wore my run tracker so I could make sure I was keeping a good pace!!!

This was what my run tracker said.... (I had pressed start a few minutes before I actually got running....)

And these were my final results....

My official time was 2:03 at a 9:27min/mile pace... a whole 29 minutes faster than the last half I ran.... can't complain about that.....

Instead of medals, we got charms that were engraved... Cute!!!!

Post-Race: Hydration....

and lazy.....

and waffle crisp.... just kidding, I didn't eat this... however, this cereal is probably delicious....

and that's my little recap... It was fun... I want to do another one right now!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and I leave with this..... Pretty sure this is what runners look like when they see the finish line...

Friday, April 11, 2014

It's been a minute or two

Well, am I a stranger to this poor little blog or what????

Well... an update to my life (since December)

It's April and the year 2014..... so it has literally... been a minute or two

I have been training for a Half-Marathon.... which happens to be this coming Sunday. I feel that I have not been able to train as well as I had wanted to, life happens though, and sometimes ya just gotta roll with it.

My favorite man competed in a bodybuilding competition last weekend and I couldn't be prouder of him.

and he brought this home :)

or into the restaurant rather :)

So I am an avid fitness blog reader, being a "fitness enthusiast" as some may say, and it makes me want to just blog all the time, but I haven't quite been able to jump back on that blog wagon. School has been so busy this semester, but only one more week of class, then finals week.... then done... for a week....

A few summer classes, then off to an internship..... it's weird I never imagined myself saying I was going to go on an internship... oh, growing up.....

So The Man and I visited another gym the other day, and they had the coolest Ab machine I have EVER seen, I just have to share....

It's like the basket ball game you see at arcades and places like that... just another way to make fitness fun :) I am very jealous of this contraption, I must say!

I have been LOVING that it is spring! I always say that of the 4 seasons, spring is my least favorite, but right now, I am loving it so much!

this picture is what I think of when I think spring, I just love it!

I've been able to get home and spend some time with my favorite girl too

Had to get a little Equine Selfie action in their :)
I can't wait for the time when I can wander into my own backyard and take selfies with her whenever I want... I miss that....

I just want to tell you a little about this ride we went on. I brought my pal Pippy... This little pup loves going on rides, she gets so excited and just follows along. It's weird to me how they just know what to do. She never get's in the horses way, is always trailing right behind, and if she does happen to wander off a little, it's for only a moment. I just love her. She is such a happy dog and makes going on trail rides even more fun (which, it is hard to make riding more fun!!!)

We are lucky to have a little patch of groomed trails in my mom's back yard. I love going on little adventures (however, there is no lack of mud back there). 

We also found this full Buck skeleton, completely intact and full antler rack... This picture is a little hard to see (I am a horrible phone picture taker), but it was out laying in a swamp. 

Oh, The circle of life I suppose.

Well I am off to start my day... Full or random things (when in reality I would love to just be lazy all day)

Got to prep for my race this weekend. It's crazy how these things just get to your head.... But it will be a ton of fun! And.... I'll even post a little recap (and hopefully not 4 months from now, hehe)

And... I leave you with this.... a bit of how I have been feeling lately.....

Have a beautiful day :)