Saturday, December 14, 2013

A little-bitty review and Cave Cereal

Well it has finally happened..... enough snow has fallen that I have to wear winter boots to the gym and just bring my shoes....

Frankly, I am too lazy for that to be a simple "no big deal" kind of thing, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do I guess.

My poor little car is feeling the effects of winter too....

Doesn't he look miserable.... a trip to the car wash is definitely on the agenda... poor thing, such a champ though, let me tell you, Subaru's are the greatest. This car will go anywhere, anytime and the best part.... it heats up so fast. That is the best in the winter, I must say.


So in other news, we were at Meijer's the other day, looking through the clearance section... and we found these little beauties....

Originally priced at $49.99... on sale for $4.99.... I had to ask the sales clerk if this was true because that is an insane discount..... But it was true, we got 2 pairs for only $4.99 each.

Let me tell you about these a bit. It is a blue tooth device that you sink to your phone and it plays music.... such as blue tooth devices do. I have never had something like this before, I just have one of those simple arm bands that you slide your phone into. Don't get me wrong, those are great, but with this little blue tooth thing, you don't have all the clunky-ness that comes along with an arm band. The headphones kind of are not the greatest, they have a short cord which is nice when working out, but the ear pieces hurt.... I really want to invest in a good pair... like THESE... someday I will, someday!

So a couple of weeks ago, I did this.....

The 21 Day Sugar Detox.... This is a diet (well detox, rather) program that is strictly Paleo.... So you go all caveman in your diet, and for anyone who does not know much about the Paleo diet and its wonderful benefits, HERE is a great resource for all you need to know!

I did this in November, well to be honest I only did about 15 days because Thanksgiving landed on day 18 (I should have thought that one through a little more) but after the holiday's I plan on doing to whole 21 days.... and then keep going, hopefully.

Even only doing 15 days, it made me feel so much better. You cut out all processed and glutenous foods, you eat purely a whole foods diet but you don't get jipped out on the good stuff, because this whole program IS the good stuff.... can we say BACON? yeah, a lot of bacon you get to eat :) I slept so much better and found that my body adjusted to its changes SO FAST. That was the best part of the whole thing.

I learned a lot about creating much healthier versions of my favorite foods, such as cereal, I am a complete cereal addict, however,  even the "healthy" cereals tend to be a bit misleading on their true nutritional benefits, but I created this little gem after doing this detox, so I can satisfy that cereal craving, but still stay Paleo :)

Cave-woman Cereal

-Handful of mixed nuts (I used pecans, walnuts, and almonds)
-1-2 Tbsp. Almond Butter (or other (non-peanut) nut butter)
-1 cut up Apple or Banana
-Almond Milk

Combine the nuts, nut butter, and fruit. Add your desired amount of Almond Milk, and Voila, Paleo Cereal :)

It's mighty delicious if I do say so myself.


"If you want to be happy, be" -Leo Tolstoy

Everything stated here is purely my own opinions, nothing is affiliated with the 21DSD creator. 

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