Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I think I have a craving or two

Hello Again,

There are just more and more days between posts... let me explain.... Since our recent move was quite costly, we have not yet gotten internet at our apartment... in order to be able to write posts, internet is quite important, therefore... I have to travel to use the internet... and let me tell you, the closest place is a Tim Horton's Doughnut shop... you wanna talk about self control... that is self control at it's finest... they have ice tea for a dollar and that is all I know....  hehe...

Moving on....


C is for Cardio... so lets talk Cardio

There are a million and one ways to get in a good Cardio workout but... info first....

"Cardiovascular Fitness": The ability for your heart, lungs and organs to consume, transport, and utilize Oxygen
So essentially, any exercise you do that increases your heart rate to get it pumping a little harder would be considered Cardio exercise....

Running or course is generally the first to come to mind... followed by biking and swimming... it's all great...

I really enjoy running, like really enjoy it!  Some day I will run a Marathon, I am certain of it...
Once, I ran across the state of Michigan. Well, in a relay race, but I did it, in a team of 10, we ran the state....
Races are great. They make running even better because you have a goal to reach and each week you improve your distance and strength and it is just fabulous....

I ran a Half-Marathon once... it was great... Lovely background, yes?

I've also done a few other small races... and plan on continuing to grow this number!

Another good way I have found to keep running motivating when there are now races planned is to set a goal for the week... say you want to run 20 miles in one week.... so every run you do, you keep track of how far you have gone then see if it adds to 20... it's fun... maybe even have a reward for yourself at the end... say, a doughnut from Tim Horton's....

Biking and Swimming are also great too.... Put all three together and you get a TRIATHLON...
Some day I will do one of those... They are a bit of intimidating for me though....

Maybe if I could use this guy for the swim?....

There are also the stationary Cardio machines you find at the gym... or maybe some of you have them in your home? like the Elliptical or the Stair mill or even a stationary bike!.... Or you could go run bleachers at a football field somewhere... or... you could PLAY with a little child and get your heart pumping no problem! Or go for a walk... walking of course is a great way to get exercise, it may not seem like much at the time, but it can do wonders... especially through the woods or somewhere along those lines, it can do so much for body and mind!

Also.... I recommend some good music with a bit of a rhythm to it with some headphones... that can also do wonders for any style of exercise you do (except maybe swimming, I hear electronics and water don't mix well).... 

Pandora is a great source for music if you have a smart phone or another way to connect to the internet while exercising, you can choose a station and let the music magic happen! I recommend "80's Cardio" station... it's fantastic....

Overall, Cardio exercise is important for maintaining your heart health... keep it strong and pumping and I hear you can live for like... a lifetime or something like that, crazy hey?

Speaking of living, I hear you can also live a while when you eat, weird.....

Lets talk about food then :) 


Let me please tell you my OBSESSION for cinnamon, I think it is fantastic... and I mean REALLY fantastic.... 

It is the perfect sweetener without adding sugar? what? you mean it is good for you?
YES!! Yes it is! 

So here are a few great things about cinnamon... besides it's just amazing in itself!

1) It can regulate blood sugar
2) It's a natural food preservative
3) It's effective on menstrual pain (Bahahaha)
4) It's extremely versatile....

and those are just a few, but HERE are a few more if interested!!

I consume cinnamon pretty much on a daily basis... and think, if it's a natural food preserver, it must do wonders for my youth :P Just kidding... maybe?

"Homemade Cinnamon Crisps"

  • 1 Whole Tortilla of your choosing
  • 2 Tbsp. Coconut Oil
  • Cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Melt the coconut oil and using a pastry brush, spread the coconut oil on the tortilla and cover both sides. Sprinkle the desired amount of cinnamon on one side, flip it over and do the entire other side as well. Slice the tortilla into strips or whatever shape you want! Place onto a baking sheet.  Bake for about 7-9 minutes or until desired crispiness. Enjoy!!

We use a Gluten-Free style tortilla wrap with these. Also by using coconut oil, it adds sweetness so adding extra sugar is unnecessary but if you want a little more sweetness, adding sugar is okay too!

These are really good. I LOVE CINNAMON, did I tell you that? Well these are a perfect way to get a great cinnamon fix! I am still working on the perfect dip to accompany these little darlings, but I will get there.

Ok, so last but not least, a little something about me....

C is for CRAVINGS....

I hear that when you are pregnant, you crave things... well I am very much NOT pregnant and I have cravings like it's my day job... I can't even imagine what it will be like way far far far in the future when a blessed little child happens to be the reason I crave things.... anyways, unnecessary?? I don't think so! 

Things I crave:

  1. Homemade yogurt parfaits: If I could choose only one thing to eat for the rest of my life... it would be this!
  2. Green Protein Smoothies: I literally eat one everyday to satisfy this craving, and they are SOOO good for you!
  3. Cinnamon Rice Chex: I don't eat cereal all that often, but when I do.... this one trumps any other
  4. Veggies and Hummus: The most PERFECT combination of snack items, it's not a wonder why its a craving
  5. Power Crunch Bars: of all the BAGILLION protein bars that are out there, this kind is the BEST that I have ever had.... 

    6. Peanut Butter: No need for a description on this one....
    7. Horse Back Riding: Again, no need for explanation....

    8. Races: Even though I have only done a few, they are addicting! 
    9. SLEEP!
    10. And of course my MAN (this one is probably #1 though)  :) 

    Those are pretty much my top cravings, in case anyone was actually wondering... now you know!

    I hope you all have an absolutely wonderful afternoon.... I'm off to hang out with that pretty cool little 8 year old!

    "Smile, happy looks good on you!"

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