Tuesday, August 20, 2013

H is for Honey

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Just to recap a few things…for the past couple weeks I have been doing my posts themed by the alphabet. I take the letter of the day, write something about fitness, a foodie item/recipe and then a little something of a “get to know you” about myself. I just wanted to put a reminder so that no one is confused. 

My last post was all about I posted about my favorite Chocolate GRANOLA… well ever since then, I cannot get enough of that stuff… it is so delicious… Just in case you all wanted to know J

Okay, so today is a day For H… It really is a great letter, I must say. So first I’ll talk a little fitness….


(I do kind of have man arms hehe)

The whole “heavy lifting” concept is a great one, I must say… I know a lot of women become quite intimidated by the concept of heavy weights. I have heard so many times “I don’t want to become bulky” or “I don’t want to look like a man”. But it is a myth that a woman would become a man just by lifting heavy things… 

First of all... When you train heavy, not only do you burn calories while working out, but you continue to burn calories while you muscles are recovering from the workout you put it through...
Also... Women especially, will tone muscle without the bulk. Women don't have the hormone content that men do that cause the extra mass gain, therefore the result of women lifting weights is tone not bulk.
And... by lifting weights, you become all around physically stronger and increase your body's health.
And... working out results in better moods, less depression and an increase of metabolism... you just can't go wrong!

Therefore, unless you are going to start taking some mass gaining protein to go along with each high-intensity workout, the only thing lifting heavy is going to do is tone you! Gaining muscle is inevitable, but you’re not going to gain enough to look like a man….

I love lifting heavy. Being sore the day after a workout is a wonderful feeling because you know you pushed your body to be better. Even if you did something little and became sore (unless it’s a medical issue, which in that case please get that checked out!) it is something you are doing to better your body.

H is for HONEY

Honey has many health benefits that I think many people don't know about...
It is Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Viral, and Anti-Fungal
THIS website goes on to explain in much more detail, the benefits of Honey! Enjoy :D

And of course, I have a recipe! 

"Cinnamon Honey Glazed
Roasted Almonds"

2 Cups of Almonds
2 Tbsp. Honey
1 Tbsp. Water
1 Tsp. Cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place Almonds in a shallow baking dish. Roast the Almonds for about 12 minutes. In the mean time combine the Honey, Water, and Cinnamon in a small pot and heat until warm and well combined. Pour the Roasted Almonds into the honey mixture and stir until the Almonds are well covered. Spread them onto some wax paper and allow to cool. Then Enjoy :D

H is for Haley!
That’s ME J I believe I was named just because it was a name my parent’s liked… I don’t think it had any significance (maybe I should ask?)
I have blonde hair, Blue eyes, I am about 5 feet 3 inches
My Favorite Color is Orange
I love to workout
I had a favorite Stuffed cat growing up named Thomas

I rode on the equestrian team in high school

and Played Field Hockey

I have a peanut butter addiction
I am very much a breakfast person and I love taking naps
I love to horseback ride and Hike
I am a Graduate student
I have an older brother and sister

I have 2 nephews and a niece

I love looking at water bottles at the store, and you can tell by looking in my water bottle cupboard (and yes, I have an entire cupboard just for water bottles.
I love to bake
So that is a little about myself… I hope you all enjoy.

Any other women out there do a lot of HEAVY lifting?
Tell me something about yourself?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Haley! I found your blog via Brandon's FB. I'm Jessie and I too have a fitness blog (www.fit-jess.blogspot.com). I've always been a heavy lifter. I'm currently following the 5-3-1 program as well as a gluten & dairy free diet with a macro breakdown of 30-40-30. We should definitely talk!!
