Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bananas for all things I!

Happy Wednesday! or... Happy Hump day? hm... I don't like the way that sounds tho... so I am going to stick with Happy Wednesday!

I had an amazing weekend I must say.. It was filled with cuddly babies and my favorite equine friend...

I am one proud auntie...

I also got to spend my weekend with my Tari...

We took a trail ride every morning....

What a beautiful way to start the day! I love this!

We went and visited this GIANT tree

This picture doesn't do it justice, but let me tell you my friends, this is no twig....


Okay... So lets talk about a bit of fitness....

I want to stress the importance of the Individualization of your workouts or anything physical you do for that matter! 


YOU are the only one who knows how your body feels when YOU do any sort of physical activity so when it comes to the way YOU feel, YOU have to listen to what your body tells YOU is okay. 

It is also good to make your workouts fun to get the best results...
because with fun comes motivation....
for some people, fun may be simply plugging your headphones in and doing your routine with the weights, to others it may be running bleachers until you can hardly walk anymore and to others.. it may be playing basketball with a friend, what ever it may be, it is what YOU like as an individual....

So that is my little fitness clip for the day, nothing too excited but it is something I very much believe in, finding what is best for YOU!

My Love :)

So now for some foodieness!!

I is for ICE CREAM (of course, what else would it stand for)

Unfortunately, I failed to get any pictures of this little creation, but I will post some later in time, I just really wanted to get the recipe itself up!

"Banana 'Ice Cream' "

1 whole Banana
1 Tbsp. of Peanut Butter
1/4 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt
1/2 Scoop Chocolate Protein
1/2 Tsp. Vanilla Extract
Handful of Dark Chocolate Chips (Optional)

Mash the banana really well, mix in all remaining ingredients. Place in the freezer and freeze for 15 - 30 minutes. Remove from freezer and stir it a bit... and boom delicious and healthy ice cream :)

This does need a picture, I promise one will come soon!

This recycled one will do for now :)

Now just for a little random something about me....

I is for Iphone

I have an Iphone.... I have never updated it in the 2 1/2 years that I have had it....I can't download aps because it is so far behind. It is quite slow and the home screen button only works sometimes. It often "forgets" what it is doing and will close down everything that is open all on it's own, without any warning... its lovely.... on the other hand.... In the 2 1/2 years that I have had it.... I have dropped on the floor it a bagillion times, dropped it in a sink of running water, lost it in the snow for a couple hours and let it roast in a car all day... (all of these things have happened multiple times) but... it still works and has no cracks in it... so although it has some flaws, I must say that it is a champ for everything it has been through. 

That is all for today, I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day! Also... If you haven't already, go like the "Dumbbells and Cupcakes" face book page :)

"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time" -Thomas Jefferson

I leave you with this :)

Anyone have a very individual workout for yourself?

Any plans for this day?

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