Monday, October 28, 2013

My Abandoned Blog and A Waterfall Run!

Well, It's been a while....

Hello Friends,

Lets just talk about the craziness that I call life. This is an average day in the life for me right now:

-5:40 AM: wake up
-6 AM- 8 AM: Gym
-8 AM - 9AM: Eat/Shower/Get ready for the day
-9:30AM-5PM: CLASS
-9PM: Hello much needed sleep!

So anyways, things have been hectic, not always the easiest to make time for the little things (Like my abandon blog here), But I am figuring it all out!

Grad School is not easy folks... not easy one bit.... organization and time management are key let me tell you... along with LOTS of Sleep, Exercise, Healthy Eating (with some treats here and there) and down time

It's ALL about Balance! 

And getting time with the ones you love most....

Like this little lady friend of mine


Or... my all time favorite guy....


So here are some things that I have been doing to keep up with life....

Grabbing a quick Pre-Workout breakfast at 5:40 AM is not an easy task... no one is hungry that early in the morning... but I learned the hard way that if I don't grab something even little, the work out is doomed from hunger 30 minutes into it... so through experimenting with different things, I have created this... a little Pre-workout Doughnut....

Don't have a doughnut pan? No problem, just make "balls" of about 2 inch diameter instead... I predict 3 little balls or one doughnut would be a serving, that is usually what I grab before the gym! The recipe made about 9 Doughnuts! And they are the perfect pick-me-up!

Because the workouts are before class, I tend to feel rushed, especially if I go there without a plan... That is the best thing I have found, is going with a plan of exactly what I am going to do. I usually start with some sort of Cardio to get started and then end with a nice good lift session... BEST way to start the day.....

I am going to side note a bit... I HATE running on the treadmill... don't get me wrong, they're great and I love the IDEA of them... but when it comes down to it... me just going on a run on a treadmill is pretty close to the last thing I ever wanna do... However... running outside in the middle of a very busy town at 6 AM when it is still dark out and freezing cold IS the last thing I wanna do, so I get over my treadmill dread, and I run!
To make it more interesting, I mix things up, I get creative so I don't get bored, because frankly, that is where my dislike for treadmills come from, sheer boredom.... 

So THIS is what I do....

This little "Waterfall Run" is great... You Start with the 6 min run and end with the 5 min incline walk! It goes by super fast, not too hard, but by no means easy, and great when you just want a bit of a Cardio workout at 6 o'clock in the morning!

It is so easy to increase the intensity too:
-Make the "Runs" longer
-Alternate sprint to run rather than run to walk
-Get Creative!

So that is a little bit of a something... My poor little Bloggy Blog felt so abandoned and I am going to make a strong effort to make more time for this! If I can make time to catch an episode of "New Girl" here and there, I can make time for my blog!

So Friends... I leave you with this....

"Live to the point of tears" -Albert Camus